Contract Negotiation
The reality is no two contracts are the same. Keeping that in mind we approach your contract negotiation by factoring in the individual variables in every negotiation.
We strive to negotiate contracts for our clients with a growth-mindset that allow them to improve themselves while also setting them up for immediate and future success on and off the hardwood.
Contact us to learn more about how contract negotiations work and read more about the different markets in the international basketball landscape.
Career Planning
Our clients long-term success is the backbone of our agency! Helping you reach your goals and dreams is what drives us each and every day!
The Scorers 1st family is thankful for the trust that each player and their family has in Scorers 1st. Your trust is our inspiration to design a unique career path that is centered around your goals as an athlete and person.
We understand that each career and athlete will follow a different path, which is why we work together to create a vision specific to you. A plan where we will stand by your side to tackle all the challenges and milestones that put us closer to achieving your goals and dreams!
Contact us to learn more about how we create your individual career plan with you!
Legal Counsel
We have the legal expertise which is needed in the international basketball environment to negotiate and draft the contracts of our clients according to the highest possible standards. We do support our clients in all kinds of legal disputes by giving them legal advice, representing them in mediation and arbitration proceedings.
Skills Development
Advancing your career needs constant growth, hard work and determination. We put a strong emphasis on helping you be the best you can be at all times.
The Scorers 1st Academy in conjunction with our professional partners work on a 365-day basis to help our clients build in the areas of: strength and athletic training, individual skill development, mental coaching and training, film breakdown.
Contact us to learn more about how we work when it comes to your development as an athlete and what we offer together with our partners.
Marketing Strategy
Understanding who you are, who you want to present to the outside world and what you want to be known for are just a few of the important questions when it comes to “being” and “building” your brand.
Marketing opportunities, creating sponsorship value, and standing for something, play a major role when it comes to branding you as an athlete and a personality. Together with our marketing partners we help you build your platform!
Contact us to learn more about how we help you “build” and “understand” your brand!